What are the new Wood- Burning stove regulations?:

The government has recently announced in the Environmental Improvement Plan 2023, that it is NOT considering a ban on domestic burning in the UK. This is reassuring news for households that rely on solid fuel burning either as their primary heat source or as a valuable, low-carbon, energy grid-independent, and cost-effective secondary heating source. The government have introduced tougher measures on open fireplaces and old non-compliant woodburning stoves.

In summary, the plan reiterates the importance of using a modern eco-design ready appliance, with a good installation, and good authorised fuel.

Check out our top tips below for choosing the right stove:

    • Choose an Eco-Design Ready stove If you currently use an open fire or an older, very basic wood burning stove consider upgrading. A modern Ecodesign compliant wood burning stove, such as a clearSkies model, releases up to 90% less emissions than an open fire and can be up to 80% less than some older stoves. Our team will advise on the best stove to meet your specific requirments.
    • DEFRA: If you live in a smoke controlled area your stove will also need to be Defra exempt. All clearSkies Level 3 and above models are certified as Defra exempt.
    • Safety:  Ensure your stove if fitted and maintained by an appropriately qualifed person, all our our engineers are HETAS registered.
    • Quality:  Ensure you burn good quality wood. Look for the ready to burn logo, and invest in a moisture meter to ensure you are burning the right wood.
    • Maintenance:  Have your chimney swept at least once a year. We provide a chimney sweep service!

For further information please feel free to contact us or if your would like to see our range of wood burning stoves.